

Violinist Susannah Foster enjoys a diverse performing career on modern and historical instruments. She appears in concert throughout North America and Europe with ensembles including the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, Handel + Haydn Society, Boston Baroque, Opera Atelier, Les Bostonades, Sarasa, Arcadia Players, Emmanuel Music, Musicians of the Old Post Road, Grand Harmonie, the Henry Purcell Society of Boston, and Ars Musica Chicago. Recent and upcoming festival engagements include the BBC Proms, George Enescu Festival, Tanglewood, Valley of the Moon, Connecticut Early Music Festival, Teatro Nuovo, and the Oregon Bach Festival. She has performed under the baton of conductors such as Riccardo Muti, Kurt Masur, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Giovanni Antonini, Jaap Van Sweden, Masaaki Suzuki, Michael Tilson Thomas, Christoph Eschenbach, Herbert Blomstedt, and John Williams, and played extensively with the New World Symphony in Miami. In demand as a leader, she has served as concertmaster of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Tanglewood Music Center, Music at Marsh Chapel, Music Academy of the West, Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra, and numerous period ensembles.

A passionate educator, Susannah serves as faculty at the Cambridge Music Consortium and directs chamber music at the German International School of Boston. Previously, she held faculty positions at the Northwestern University Music Academy, the Dana Hall School of Music, and the People’s Music School, and worked extensively with the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras' Intensive Community Program. She holds a Master of Music and Bachelor of Music from Northwestern University, where she was the teaching assistant to Blair Milton and Stacia Spencer.

Susannah has benefited from masterclasses with Yo-Yo Ma, Julia Fischer, Emanuel Ax, Arnold Steinhardt, Joseph Silverstein, Esa-Pekka Salonen, and Menahem Pressler, and studied chamber music with Pamela and Claude Frank, as well as members of the Guarneri, Takacs, Juilliard, Vermeer, and Cleveland String Quartets. Her principal teachers include Blair Milton, Almita Vamos, Kathleen Winkler, and Gerardo Ribeiro, and she studied baroque violin with Marc Destrubé and members of the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.